No Matter Your Age Or The Amount Of Money You Have Spent On Fake Online Drugs, You Will Eliminate hypertension and HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Forever With This Natural Solution.

Now You Can Join Over 10,570 Africans Men and Women whom We’ve Helped to Beat High BP and Prevent Complications Like Stroke, Erectile Dysfunction, Heart Attack, Kidney Failure, Vision Loss, Heart Failure and Many More.

100% Natural & Effective Way to Beat High Blood Pressure and Clear Off Painful Symptoms Permanently  while you live your Normal Life without the fear of BP Complications.


Dear Friend,

Do you Experience any of these symptoms?

– Do you Know Nearly half of African Adults have high blood pressure. (Many don’t even know they have it.)

– Do you know that Many times, Hypertension Doesn’t Give Symptoms till it leads to stroke, heart attack or kidney problem?

– Do You Know According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over 40% of People with stroke are Younger than 60?

– Do You Know some Studies in 2005 established Hypertension as one of the most common hereditary disease

– Do You Know Majority of People who are down with stroke are never aware of their High Blood Pressure Status?

– Do you know many orthodox medication meant for Blood Pressure Causes Side Effect Like weakness, dizziness, headaches, swelling in the legs or feet, or stomach problems which affect your daily quality of life.

It is time to stand up and put your total wellness in your hand.

Discover The Hidden
Secrete of the People of PERU

Most regulated blood pressure country in the world (WHO)

There is a small country called PERU which is located in the Southern America on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, the citizens of this country are known for their most regulated blood pressure status in the entire world.

In 2009, some scientists raised a study to investigate this country and find out how their citizens are able to maintain their blood pressure in such a amazing way (not low, not high).

Finally, it was discovered that the foods, spices and herbs consumed by the people of PERU contains  Some “Precursor Nurtients” that help their body to produced “Organic Nitric Oxide”

NITRIC OXIDE helps in REGULATING our blood pressure.

If blood pressure is too high, Nitric Oxide can help the blood vessels to relax and lower the pressure.

If BP is too low,

it can make the vessels a bit tighter to raise the pressure.

So it regulate Blood Pressure to be sure it’s not too high or too low.

As a matter of Fact, Nitric oxide does more than just regulating BP, it also have an Immune Boosting and Antioxidant Protection power to fight infections, clear colesterol and boost bedroom power.

But from the AGE OF 40,  the level of these Nutric Oxide we have in our system begin to drop and that is why blood pressure is very rare at early stage in life.

By the time we are 50 years old,

there are chances we are not getting enough of these nutrients to keep the blood vessels relaxed and flexible.

Because of the presence of Nutric Oxide in the foods, spices and herbs consumed by the people of PERU, life expectancy for Men of Peru is 84 years and 89 years for women.

These herbs, spices and plants used by the people of PERU to keep their blood pressure in check and remain the most regulated blood pressure country in the world is what have been carefully selected and combined as SUPPLEMENTS in the CARDINormal Herbal Capsules.


CardiNormal is a Natural Supplement to help your body produce enough Nutric Oxide and other necessary nutrients to keep your BP perfectly Regulated like it use to be in your early 20s.

The good thing about CardiNormal Supplement is that anyone can use it either man or woman, Either you are on BP Medication or not, Either you are a diabetes Patient or Not.

CardiNormal is a supplement that provide your body system with the esential nutrient that keep Blood Pressure regulated which you cannot find in the foods you consume daily.

– If you are tired of struggling with the burdens of hypertension and Sleepless Night

– If You Have Been Looking for Solution that goes beyond temporary relief, something that truly understands and caters to your needs?

– If you Want to Clear Erectile Problem and Vision problem caused by High BP permanently

Look no further. CardiNormal is scientifically proven breakthrough that will return your body back to Normal and help you to be completely healthy again.

You will start seeing results from 3-5 Weeks of the intake of this
completely safe and effective Organic CardiNormal Supplement.

Men & Women Treated in Last 12 Months



As you’ve just read, these people have experienced cure a permanent relief from High Blood Pressure after using the CardiNormal as directed for 3MONTHS.

This is why CardiNormal is spreading like wildfire… and demand is so heavy that most of the stocks are running out fast.

As at the time I am typing this,
there are just 150 Packs remaining!

Right now, thousands of people are seeing this page, 

which means the available stocks are extremely limited. 

we cannot assure you that you will be able to get it at the same discount price if you procrastinate.

So, go ahead and place your order now…

And if you go ahead and get it now, you will enjoy…

  • The discount Promo Price

  • Payment at the point of delivery

This means you will pay for the products only when it has been brought down to you face-to-face by our courier company or delivery Agent.


Normal Price: N25,000
30% Discount:  N17,500


Normal Price: N35,000
30% Discount:  N25,000

4 BOTTLE + 1 Sleep Activator

Normal Price: N70,000
30% Discount:  N50,000

5 BOTTLE + 2 Extra Bottles + 1 Sleep Activator

Normal Price: N87,500
30% Discount:  N75,000

Right now,

because of the high cost of transportation.

Sending this product around the country costs us a lot , yet we are willing to do it FREE of charge for you…

But, I’ll ask you for a little favor in exchange…

Please be sincere to us and yourself…

If you are not ready to receive the products (because it will be pure wickedness to send items to your location and you don’t pick them up) or you will be traveling out of town within the next 1-2 days or you do not have cash available now, PLEASE DO NOT PLACE AN ORDER…




Show Order Summary
Product Subtotal
1 Bottle CardiNormal  × 1 17,500.00
Subtotal 17,500.00
Total 17,500.00

Customer information

Billing details

Additional information

Your Products

1 Bottle CardiNormal1
2 Bottles CardiNormal1
4 Bottles CardiNormal + 1 Free Sleep Activator Tea1
5 Bottles CardiNormal + 2 Extra Bottles + 1 Free Sleep Activator Tea1


  • If you select this Option, You’ll Pay when the Product is Brought to You.
    PLEASE NOTE: For easy movement of money for our Agents, we prefer the mobile transfer payment method during delivery,
    So only give Cash in case where there is no Option for Transfer.

Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our Privacy policy.

Your order

Product Subtotal
1 Bottle CardiNormal  × 1 17,500.00
Subtotal 17,500.00
Total 17,500.00
Let me start off by saying I have had high blood pressure since I was in my early 30s, and have been taking a prescription med for over 25 years. I decided over a year ago to try and take a natural route to my BP for I was getting sick and tired of being at the mercy of both my doctor and the insurance company. Unfortunately many of the natural products I tried Online did not work. Then I found this CardiNormal. I decided to try it because of the great reviews it has gathered from people. And now that I have been on it for over 3 month I can truthfully say that all the positive reviews were right. CardiNormal not only has worked fabulously for me, but for the first time in almost three decades I am off a prescription drug for my BP. I took a reading 5 weeks after starting CardiNormal and it was 158/95. Not worst, but not good either. So I decided to just forgo any more readings until I had been on the CardiNormal for a full 3MONTHS. When I finally took it after 3 months, I was shocked, It read 130/79. Twice I took it and twice it was in the 130/79 range. Simply amazing. I took it again a couple of times over the next few days and every time it was in that same range, and with a pulse rate of 66-72, I have never seen anything good like this herbal supplement.
Bar O.J Benjamin
Lagos, Nigeria

How Much Does Each
of These 100% Herbal Product Cost?

If you’re fast enough to place your order Today (within 24 hours), You’ll be Able to pertake in our 24 hours Discount.

Get One Pack for N25,000 (Formerly N30,000)

Get Two Packs for N50,000 (Formerly 60,000)

Get Three Packs for N75,000 (Formerly 85,000)

Order Now And Get  “Organic Sleep
Activator Tea” (Worth N25,000 Each)

Sleep has a significant impact on blood pressure, and the relationship between the two is complex. The quality and duration of your sleep can influence your blood pressure levels.

Here’s how sleep can affect blood pressure:

Sleep Deprivation and Elevated Blood Pressure:  When you don’t get enough restorative sleep, your blood pressure may remain elevated during the night and throughout the day. Over time, this can contribute to chronic high blood pressure.

Sleep and Blood Vessel Health: Quality sleep plays a role in maintaining the health of blood vessels, including the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels. Impaired endothelial function can lead to blood vessel stiffness and reduced ability to regulate blood pressure.

Weight and Sleep: Lack of sleep can also influence weight gain. Sleep deprivation can lead to increased appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods, which can contribute to weight gain. Being overweight or obese is a risk factor for hypertension.

Stress Reduction: Quality sleep is important for overall stress reduction, which indirectly affect blood pressure. A well-rested body and mind are better equipped to manage daily stressors, promoting cardiovascular health.

While poor sleep can contribute to high blood pressure, hypertension can also lead to sleep disturbances, such as insomnia.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy sleep pattern is a fundamental component of managing blood pressure.

“Organic Sleep Activator” herbal Tea is a natural solution designed to help you achieve better sleep quality, which, in turn, will contribute to reduced blood pressure levels.

This product is carefully formulated to activate melatonin, (the hormone that activates human sleep) called the “sleep hormone”.

Here is How it Works:

Restorative Sleep: The quality of your sleep is just as important as its duration. When you’re able to achieve a deep, restorative sleep, your body can recover and rejuvenate effectively. Quality sleep helps in reducing stress and lowering cortisol levels, which can directly impact your blood pressure. By promoting melatonin production, Sleep Activator helps you fall into the kind of sleep that supports overall well-being and cardiovascular health.

Blood Pressure Regulation: Studies have shown that melatonin have so much beneficial influence on blood pressure regulation.
By promoting a healthy sleep cycle and activating melatonin, “Sleep Activator” offers a natural pathway to supporting optimal blood pressure levels. The relaxation and rejuvenation that come with quality sleep will have a positive impact on your cardiovascular health.

Stress Reduction: This 100% herbal blend also includes ingredients known for their stress-reducing properties. Stress is a significant contributor to high blood pressure, and by calming the mind and body, Sleep Activator further aids in reducing hypertension risk.

If you’re fast enough to place your order Today (within 24 hours), You’ll be Able pertake in our 24 hours Discount.

If you get the 4 PACK ,

You will get one pack of Sleep Activator Tea (Worth N25,000) For FREE.


If you get the 5 PACK ,

You will get Two More Bottles of CardiNormal (Worth N35,000)  + 1 Sleep Activator (Worth N25,000) For FREE.

“Engr Johnson, 43 (Accra GH)”

If I was told to rate CardiNormal over 100, I will rate it 150.

CardiNormal Pack is amazing and a Life-saver!!!
I was diagnosed with elevated blood pressure when I was 27! Now, 16 years later I continue to be haunted by this health problem, but this time it’s getting more serious; Over the years I have creeped up to levels of 150-170/95-99, So I knew it was high time I address my high blood pressure seriously.

I have tried all kinds of things to lower blood pressure: cinnamon, garlic, fasting, blood pressure support supplements, and every other things you can name, but none worked.

I started taking CardiNormal supplements late 2022, I took it with my BP drug and watch the changes.

In the first 1 month, I noticed the symptoms I use to have went down, In the second month, my reading begin to drop and after the fourth month, I had amazing reading 126/85.
Since I finished it, my reading always stay within 120-125 no matter what I eat or how stress I am.
What more can be amazing than these CardiNormal? 

thanks so much for the solution.



Normal Price: N25,000
30% Discount:  N17,500


Normal Price: N35,000
30% Discount:  N25,000

4 BOTTLE + 1 Sleep Activator

Normal Price: N70,000
30% Discount:  N50,000

5 BOTTLE + 2 Extra Bottles + 1 Sleep Activator Tea

Normal Price: N87,500
30% Discount:  N75,000

5 Bottles is the MOST RECOMMENDED Pack.

Apart from the fact that it will save you so  much cost, it will also help you to be sure you complete the treatment dose.

But Incase of Financial Constraints, you can go for the 4 bottles or any of the pack.

We are Fully Approved by NAFDAC and Licensed
by Lagos State Ministry of Health (Traditional Medicine Board)
as a Naturopathic Medicine Practitioner


With CardiNormal at your disposal, Mild and Severe High Blood Pressure will become a thing of the past in few Months.

We understand the urgency and importance of  having an effective solution to your high blood pressure and we are confident that CardiNormal is the comprehensive answer you’ve been searching for. 

With this holistic approach, we assure you that you’re on the path to better health and lower blood pressure in just a few months.

1. It Will Control Your Cholesterol Level:  This pack is specifically designed to address the root causes of high blood pressure.

For Instance, it has powerful combination of organic ingredients that help to clear excess cholesterol from your system.

Elevated cholesterol levels are often a contributing factor to hypertension. 

By promoting healthier cholesterol levels, we’re setting the stage for a healthier blood pressure profile.

2. It Will Help Your Body Start Producing enough Nitric Oxide: 

CardiNormal, One of the key pillars of these pack is designed to provide your body with everything needed for the production of enough nitric oxide (NO).

Nitric Oxide is a natural vasodilator, meaning it relaxes and widens your blood vessels, allowing for smoother blood flow. 

With consistent use of CardiNormal, your body will have the essential ingredients it needs to produce more nitric oxide, which supports blood vessel health and have a significant impact on lowering blood pressure.

3. You will Achieve Sound and Healthy Sleep:

Adequate and restful sleep is a critical component of overall well-being, and its influence on blood pressure is undeniable.

Sleep Activator has powerful natural sleep aids that promote better sleep quality, ensuring that you wake up refreshed and energized.

Restorative sleep complements your journey to lower blood pressure, as it reduces stress and inflammation, contributing to a healthier cardiovascular system.

4. It will Help You to Achieve Holistic Healing: 

As a Natural health practitioner, we believe in a holistic approach to health. 

Our Organic Blood Pressure Solution Pack addresses the multiple facets of high blood pressure by providing you with everything you need to support your cardiovascular health. We are committed to your well-being and are confident that the combination of cholesterol control, nitric oxide production, and restful sleep will lead to substantial improvements in just a few months.

If it can helped over 10,570 achieve these result already, 

then yours will not be an exception

We are Fully Approved by NAFDAC and Licensed
by Lagos State Ministry of Health (Traditional Medicine Board)
as a Naturopathic Medicine Practitioner


We are adding a Free Guide “Spices that Lower BP” as Bonus eBook to your order.

These Meal Plan will be showing you how you can use some special food ingredients (spices) that makes your food more delicious to your daily foods within the first 7 days of this treatment to further aid your treatment and help lower bad cholesterol, clear Toxins and provide your body with the best nutrients needed to be free from BP faster.

This is Originally Sold for N10,000

But you’ll be getting it sent to your email (or whatsapp) for free less than 24hours after your order is delivered.


If you order for the CARDINormal Pack During this Promo, 

We’ll also be adding you to our Whatsapp where you’ll be able to have access to Free Private Consultation with our Naturopathic Doctors to discuss the progress of your treatment Till you’re through. ( this means we are always with you on this treatment Journey for the next 90 days).

This originally Cost N20,000


You’ will Be Getting Our How to Prepare African Dishes For BP Patient” One of the problem many high blood pressure patient have is the inability to eat and drink whatever they like.

But what If we tell you that most people who got access to this Meal Plan has been able to eat like people without High Blood Pressure does because they have access to over 100 Delicious African Dishes to choose from including (different rice, Yam, Pounded Yam, Different Soups and all the foods you eat normally).

Those foods you think you can not eat, you can eat them, only the preparation method is different and this is what you will be having access to in this guide.

With this guide, you’ll be able to eat and drink without your BP going up and the good thing is that, your food will now even start acting as medicine for you, because it will begin to lower your blood pressure.

This is Originally Sold for N15,000

But you’ll be getting it sent to your email (or whatsapp) for free less than 24hours after your order is delivered.

BONUS #4 – Free Delivery

Only for all the orders that entered within now and the next 24 hours, we will be giving a Free Delivery Option.

This means we will be paying for your delivery from our own pocket. With the cost of fuel currently in this country, I hope you can relate how much that should be costing us?

Normally Worth N5,000

After this Flash Sales, this is how much delivery will cost you.


Normal Price: N25,000
30% Discount:  N17,500


Normal Price: N35,000
30% Discount:  N25,000

4 BOTTLE + 1 Sleep Activator

Normal Price: N70,000
30% Discount:  N50,000

5 BOTTLE + 2 Extra Bottles + 1 Sleep Activator Tea

Normal Price: N87,500
30% Discount:  N75,000


See More Feedback From Our Customers…

If it can work for these people even the ones with serious infection issues, then, I am certain it will work for you and you too will give a testimony soon.

Just give it a trial…

Delivery is within 2-3 days (72 hours) at most.

And you can get your own and start bringing down high blood pressure and start enjoying freedom from every symptoms you’re currently feeling ( As a matter of fact, you’ll start seeing changes within 5days of using this)

Place your order, Use it and Get Results or Get Your Money back!


Click the button below to send your order!

NOTE: We only Have 155 Packs Packs Remaining!

For the current stocks.



I want you to be sure of the Genuity of this product, so I will be offering you a payment on Delivery option.

This means that…You will only be paying for the Pack once the Product gets to your doorstep.

I am an African and I know how people abuse the use of internet.

So, I want you to be sure that this is not one of those internet germs that take advantage of people’s hard earn cash and run away.

So, If you have the amount to pay for any of the package when deliverd EITHER IN CASH OR THROUGH BANK TRANSFER, Just go ahead to order, we will be recieving the payment when we bring the product to your doorstep.

You can also call +234 816 494 3199 or Send a Whatsapp message to +234 816 494 3199 to place your order.


For you to know that I am so certain about this Pack even regardless of what level of issue it is you want it to solve.

I will also give you a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

I have made this easy for you so that you will NOT Loose anything .

If it doesn’t work for you within 60 days, Return the empty bottles to me and have your full money back to your account.

This product have been endorsed by high level medical proffessionals from United States and Africa. They endorsed it because they found out that it works naturally.


Of course you will NOT Loose anything .

If it doesn’t work for you, Return the empty bottles to me and have your full money back to your account.

Its that easy.


I know some people will believe or thinking that this Organic Remedy is expensive.

But the truth is that… It’s not!

If you have ever seen anyone with any attack due to high blood pressure being admitted in the hospital, you’ll agree with me that this prices is nothing compare to what they get to spend for just 3 Days of treatment.

And this is not 5days, Not 10 Days, Not 20 Days  But 90 whole Days 
of  Treatment.

Think of what it worth to take away that everyday joint pain and weakness that reduce your productivity.

What of the sleepless nights that disrupt your day everytime?

Apart from the fact that some of the Ingredients are Imported, which cost a lot to get to this country with the Currency devaluation issue and all,

 The remedy is also saving people from serious complications that can happen as a result of Hypertension.

Complications like heart attack, stroke, Cardiac Arrest and Untimely death.

Many people who got access to this CardiNormal Pack in the past are now enjoying their freedom free from the pain and argony of High Blood Pressure and the fear of it’s complications.

You can see more of the recent results from Our Whatsapp Support Platform below…


⇒ Limited Time 30% Discount: If you Act now you’ll take advantage of our exclusive limited-time discount on the CARDINORMAL PACK.

Which means you’ll be saving yourself at least N10,000 for the smallest pack or save even more money for other packs. This means you’ll have an opportunity to save money while improving your health.

⇒ Money-Back Guarantee: We are so confident in the effectiveness of the CARDINORMAL COMBO that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you use it as prescribed and it did not work for you, simply return the bottle for a full refund.

For a limited period, when you purchase the CARDINORMAL COMBO today, we will Add Free Sleep Activator Tea worth N20,000 for the Elevated Pack and 2 More Bottles of CardiNormal Capsules + Free Tea to the Hypertension Pack… (we have only few number of these products we are ready to give as bonus, so this bonus only last when the number is exhausted).

⇒ Bonus 2; Spices that Lower BP (Bonus eBook):
We are adding a Free Guide “Spices that Lower BP” as Bonus eBook to your order.

These Meal Plan will be showing you how you can use some special food ingredients (spices) that makes your food more delicious to your daily foods within the first 7 days of this treatment to further aid your treatment and help lower bad cholesterol, clear Toxins and provide your body with the best nutrients needed to be free from BP faster.

This is Originally Sold for N10,000

⇒ Bonus 3; 90 Days Access to Whatsapp Consultation (Free): As a customer of the CARDINORMAL Combo, you’ll gain access to our team of Licensed & Certified Herbal Doctors and experts who will provide personalized guidance and support on lowering your blood pressure.

Normally, this consultation cost N20,000

⇒ Bonus 3; “BP Preparation for Everyday African Dishes”
(bonus eBook):
This Guide shows you special BP preparation method of Normal Everyday Foods we eat.
With this guide, you’ll be able to eat and drink without your BP going up and the good thing is that, your food will now even start acting as medicine for you, because it will begin to lower your blood pressure.

This is Originally Sold for N20,000

⇒ Free NATIONWIDE Shipping: If you order today, we will be paying for your delivery worth N5,000 from our own pocket so you can Enjoy the convenience of free shipping when you purchase the CARDINORMAL COMBO today. 

Anywhere you are in the country, once your delivery is within N5,000, we will be paying for it. – we take care of getting the product safely to your doorstep, After today, you’ll be responsible for the total delivery cost.

Stay Ahead of the Game: Chronic High Blood Pressure can drain your energy and hinder your quality of life. Imagine the Pain, the headaches, the sleepless night and the fear of complication that may arise everyday.
By purchasing the CardiNormal Combo, you are taking proactive steps to address your health and stay ahead of the game.

Don’t miss out on these irresistible offers. 

Remember to act quickly because all these juicy offers are for a 24 hours only. Invest in your health today and experience the transformative change of a Normal Blood Pressure Free lifestyle.

Once You Start Taking the CardiNormal Combo,
You will experience…

Relief. Freedom. Total Release From High Blood Pressure And Its Life-Sucking Symptoms… Starting Within The First 7 Days.

And in less than 7 weeks…

You will have a perfect and healthy BP reading… without the fear of Cardiac Arrest and other BP Complications.

5 Bottles is the MOST RECOMMENDED Pack.

Apart from the fact that it will save you so  much cost, it will also help you to be sure you complete the treatment dose.


We understand that you may have interest in buying this product but you’re not financially ready or you’d want to travel soon and wouldn’t be available to receive the product now and you don’t want this product to be the last time you’ll be seeing it or would want to place order later.

No worries, just save the below number and give us a call whenever you want us to deliver it to you!

We are always available to serve you!



–  Do not order if you don’t have cash to receive your order within 1 to 3 working days time when the package get to your door step.

( If you are expecting money from someone, Please make sure you get the money before placing an order).

– Do not order if you are traveling and there is no one to receive on your behalf.

– Do not order for someone except you informed them or they asked you to do so with an assurance that they have the cash to pay on delivery.

– Do not order if you do not answer calls from new callers. We will need to call you and confirm your order…(To Place your order, you can  send us a Whatsapp message on +2348164943199


Over time, we have realised a lot of people take undue advantage of the pay on delivery services when they know they are not really ready to buy the package (in most cases financially).

We only offer natural Solutions, we do not run a courier firm.

It costs us money to send pay on delivery packages to you. It even then costs more to get the package retuned from your state to us by the courier agent.

That’s double losses! ( I pray you will not experience this in any of your endeavours)

We are trying to be transparent enough (and clear all doubts) by giving you an option to pay as the product gets to your doorstep.

So, you are begged in the NAME OF GOD to be Mature Enough and yield to the instruction above.

Thanks for your understanding.


Show Order Summary
Product Subtotal
1 Bottle CardiNormal  × 1 17,500.00
Subtotal 17,500.00
Total 17,500.00

Customer information

Billing details

Additional information

Your Products

1 Bottle CardiNormal1
2 Bottles CardiNormal1
4 Bottles CardiNormal + 1 Free Sleep Activator Tea1
5 Bottles CardiNormal + 2 Extra Bottles + 1 Free Sleep Activator Tea1


  • If you select this Option, You’ll Pay when the Product is Brought to You.
    PLEASE NOTE: For easy movement of money for our Agents, we prefer the mobile transfer payment method during delivery,
    So only give Cash in case where there is no Option for Transfer.

Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our Privacy policy.

Your order

Product Subtotal
1 Bottle CardiNormal  × 1 17,500.00
Subtotal 17,500.00
Total 17,500.00

frequently asked questions

Depending on your BP reading and how long the high BP has lasted.

But Our Most recommended pack for anyone whose BP is over 130 is the 3Months Pack.

Yes… Absolutely.

The combination in this Pack are 100% Natural products which does not interact with any medication you’ve been taking before.

For Instance, NatCleanser is a System Detoxifier which cleanses your system from Toxins and Cholesterol.

CardiNormal is a Natural Herbal Supplement that gives the necessary Nutrients to your body system in order to reduce the blood pressure level…So Since It’s a supplement, it works differently from your blood pressure medication and they can go together.

Sleep Activator is a Natural Herb that aid your sleep and help you relax well to aid blood pressure treatment.

Non of the products will disturb your BP medication.

Also, it is not advisable that you stop your BP medication until you’re constantly getting a good reading for at least 60 days after these herbal treatment.

For most people, they start seeing results within 3 to 5 week.

And for some, they may need to wait a few weeks.

But you will see unbelievable results within 2 weeks

Absolutely. You can

Basic pack or Elevated Pack is enough for that

The product is 100% safe, and have been tested and approved.

Absolutely NO.
CardiNormal and the remaining 2 products are 100% natural and herbal  therefore it has no side effects.

You can use it with full confidence and be rest assured that it solves all infections.

The CardiNormal Pack is 100% natural herbal solution and it does not contain any substance or chemical that can cause any problem to diabetic patient. So you can make use of it.

If you order during this promo, you will be saving yourself a whole lot as you will be getting each of the  pack cheaper.

However, timer above clocks zero, the promo will expire and all the packs will go back to their original Prices.


To Place your order, You can Simple call or Whatsapp

+234 816 494 3199



This page is in no way sponsored, administered by or associated with Facebook and Instagram or any of Its affiliated. 

want more info? contact us